

Templates Access Control

You can assign certain templates to specific users and other templates to different users.
The user groups are used to control the Templates a user can access.
After adding a group to a user, put the Template file inside a folder on Github with the same name of the user group.
Templates inside folders can only be used by users have have a group with the name of such folder.
For example:
If my Github Templates repository has the contents:
plain text
everyone-can-use.sql private-templates/report1.sql private-templates/report2.sql
We have one file at the root level and two files inside the folder private-templates
Now, all users of your organizations can see and use the everyone-can-use.sql Template. But only users with the group private-templates assigned to them can see use the report1.sql and report2.sql Templates. They are inside the folder private-templates, limiting their access to the users with this group.

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