Execution Reviews
We define review workflows on Connections, and reviews happen in
Slack or the web application. Connections have 3 review modes: *
none * anyone, and *
Use the web portal settings to install the Runops Slack
⚠️ Make sure to add the Slack bot to your Slack workspace before adding reviews.
In this mode, tasks don’t have a review workflow. They are ready to
run right after they are created. This mode is good for making
Connections safe and easy to access. Use this mode for database
read-replicas and development cloud accounts.
plain textrunops targets update \ --name 'my-target-without-reviews' \ --review 'none'
The anyone mode lets anyone with access to the
message in Slack review the Task. It’s suited for an optional peer
review flow, and to notify other team members about tasks.
ℹ️ For reviews on private Slack channels you must add the Runops bot to the channel.
plain textrunops targets update \ --name 'my-target-anyone-review' \ --review 'anyone' \ --channel 'runops-reviews'
Use this mode when you need multiple groups to review Tasks for a
Connection. The team mode requires people from one or
more teams to review the task. Every user is a member of a team in
Runops. This is the team Runops uses to validate if a given user can
make the review. The task is only fully approved after one member of
each required team approves it.
Optional: channel
ℹ️ For reviews on private Slack channels you must add the Runops bot to the channel.
plain textrunops targets update \ --name 'my-target-teams-review' \ --review 'team' \ --channel 'runops-reviews' \ --reviewers 'DBA,SRE,Security'