

Runs the Runops agent on AWS ECS.
  • Access to an AWS account with permissions to create ECS resources.
  • Terraform installed.

1. Grab your Runops agent token

Head over to https://use.runops.io
Create a new connection and choose any name in the Agent dropdown.
A code snippet with the token appears. Copy that token.

2. Prepare your connection configuration

Create a json file with the keys and values required for your connection.
Check the list of keys & values for each connection type.
This is an example json for a Mysql connection:
Don’t add line breaks to the json. It breaks when pasting it to the next step.
{ "MYSQL_HOST": "","MYSQL_USER": "demo-user","MYSQL_PASS": "GtK23d<ejkLy0ST2","MYSQL_PORT": "3306","MYSQL_DB": "demo" }

3. Run the terraform project.

Run the script bellow and paste your agent token and the json when prompted.
It creates an ECS service and task definition.
plain text
export AWS_REGION=us-east-2 mkdir runops; cd runops curl -s https://www.runops.io/docs/quickstarts/ecs.tf -o main.tf terraform init; terraform apply
Now create a connection with the Provider: env-var and the Secret Path option set to secret_1
Next steps:

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